Mount and blade warband guide to huge army
Mount and blade warband guide to huge army

mount and blade warband guide to huge army

I basically am in Vaegir territory (spelling correct there?), with a single village owned (courtesy of said king) near the center of their territory. I should have just let the king get captured, but it was frustrating seeing his many vassals literally ride armies past him when he was outnumbered! That really set me back, even more than my other losses. Only to get knocked out by a stray arrow, and taken prisoner while the battle was still ongoing (I escaped, returned, and we won the battle - but I still lost everything). Honestly, I think my main fault is that I was stupid enough to lose my largest army gathered so far trying to save my faction's king from getting defeated in battle. Alternatively, I could give up on my single village and the faction I have pledged my allegiance to and travel somewhere safer, but that seems kinda weak.

mount and blade warband guide to huge army

Should I just give up on having an army for a while, and simply focus on building up some money? The problem with that is it basically becomes impossible to get between towns with the numbers of raiders and bandits around, and if I'm constantly needing to pay them off (when they actually "can" be paid off, and don't just murder you). Fortunately, my kingdom is not currently at war, so the death stacks of enemy armies are not a current issue - though those are what resulted in me losing my largest groups yet. Getting to the point where I have a strong force of 40-50+ soldiers (can't have more than 65 or so with my stats anyway) requires me to basically spend a couple of hours of time recruiting, do at least a half-dozen successful battles to give them experience, and spend massive amounts of my money on them - all the while hoping that a single bandit or raider killstack doesn't descend upon me. I just managed to somehow get taken prisoner twice in a row, and not only did I lose my army and my wealth, but expensive weapons and armor that I had gathered over hours of play. The only things that sticks with these constant defeats is your level, but it's starting to get old. If you can't save money, having to carry it all on you - and can't save your troops, having to keep them all with you - how do you manage? I once managed to get more than 10,000 wealth and a group with over 1,000 upkeep per week of about 50 strongish soldiers, and now after hours more played I've lost four companions and have nothing to my name except a village which is perpetually looted. Then all it takes is a group of 98 sea raiders to take me out (seriously, four separate groups ambushed me).

mount and blade warband guide to huge army

I can't build up an army, because the bandits of almost every type are far stronger than I am until I've gotten a "very" strong group. I can't build up wealth, because you lose tons of it every time you get taken prisoner. Bandits and looters overwhelm the entire area around my singular village, and my attempts to fight them with a gathered force have ended multiple times in me simply losing everything. I've played about 15 hours in one campaign now, and have basically lost my entire force on about ten different occasions.

Mount and blade warband guide to huge army